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- It is reported that Congressman Ed Perlmutter will officially drop out of the gubernatorial race later this morning. He will also not run for re-election in his congressional seat. This announcement comes only a few weeks after Congressman Jared Polis jumped in. Perlmutter was largely seen as the most moderate of the field, and political reporters are commenting on how this shifts the entire Democratic field to the left.
- There’s a segment of the Democratic Party that wants a woman, any woman (I find this offensive). They are reportedly so disappointed with Cary Kennedy’s lackluster performance thus far and are starting to shift their eyes to Lt. Gov Donna Lynne. Governor Hickenlooper widely reported that her appointment was predicated on the fact that she didn’t intend to run for Governor, but it seems like Dems are getting desperate.
- Some days Congressman Jared Polis seems like he’s got a split personality.